Friday, April 24, 2015

Business Plan Blues

You Gotta Have a Plan

(If you want to succeed, you've got to do it.)

Hello Everyone! I am rising from the depths. I have been missing in action lately due to working on my business plan. I have finished and handed in the plan and now the waiting begins. I've let my finger nails grow long in anticipation, also good for holding snacks while I work.


Anyone who's ever written a business plan knows that it's a special kind of hell, but it is a very necessary evil. I have been saved unbelievable heartache by going through the process. You have to run your business on paper, accounting for labor, material costs, and packaging. It really forces you to completely think everything through and I have dropped a lot of products I was sure would be in the shop due to things like they require a disproportionate amount of labor against return. There are a lot of little items, I thought I would stock for impulse purchases, are in the down the road file, because of the high quantity requirements to stock them. You have to look at how much money you're going to make on that product and also have balance how long it's going to take to get a return on it. In the beginning I can't afford to have a big investment in stored inventory. This review goes for every single item you're stocking, or making, weather it's a dollar or a C-note. That little tidbit is not even a beginning of how soul deadening this process is.

Are you sure about those sales figures?
It is very difficult not to be repetitive on a business plan. It's the 3rd degree for your business and just like a detective trying to solve a case, you're trying to solve the problems with your business before they happen. If you look at a standard business plan form. You will notice a couple of things. One that The Table of Contents is very long and two there are a lot of slightly different repetitive questions. There really is a reason for this. Things can wrong for non-obvious reasons and the more angles that you consider the same question from, the more likely you are to uncover those things. It is all consuming and takes every bit of my computer energy. When I finish for the day I drop the lid on my laptop so fast, I'm surprised I haven't cracked the screen. And was really amazed when I saw just how much email I get when I don't check it for 5 days.

The plan is to open a homemade candy and curiosity shop in the building on the 62 side of the Grand View, where the kitchen for the restaurant was. The merchandise will be up front and the candy counter will be in front of the kitchen. At the front of the building on the post office side will be a display area for large items and furniture that we make and restore. The curiosity may open before the candy, but not visa verse. Getting in the kitchen and making candy is my reward for doing all the paper and foot work required to stock all the merchandise I need to get the store open.

My office by the time I finished.
Crawling away from the desk at night.
I've been working on this plan since we closed the restaurant last year and I'm really looking forward to getting the plan into action. Unfortunately it has taken even longer than my most liberal estimates and I won't be open by May as I had hoped. It is an important process though, because the things I've learned by doing it have potentially saved me many thousands of dollars and untold hours. Something I have experienced in other businesses, so I understand firsthand what it means to live through mistakes.
It's not a guarantee of success. I have done plans with my other businesses and there's always going to be something that looks like it's going to work on paper, but just doesn't in real life. It can be something unexpected, like a sudden change in the economy. Your test marketing might be skewed by some factor that escaped your attention, or something might just fall flat once put on the shelf. Or a shift in what's hot and what's not. Which traditionally only shifts suddenly. Never chase a fad. If you're left holding a bunch of Fad Stock, it's going to be at least twenty years before people start looking for that stuff on Ebay.

Bottom Line

Alexander Sisyphus
Each time I write one I get a little better at it and I never want to do it. I've got it all in my head. Right? No, bad head. If you want to have a successful business, you have to write it down. Make a plan. I know it's hard to do. I am completely sold on the idea and I have to mentally whip myself, like a slave building a pyramid, to get myself to do it. The closer I get to finishing the harder it gets. It's like the mountain gets suddenly steep at the end of the trail and that rock gets a lot harder to roll.

I'll let you know the results, when I know more, and you can watch them for yourselves as I open the store.



Monday, April 20, 2015

A Tale of Two Hips (Written 02/25/15)

A Tale of Two Hips (Written 02/25/15)

I'm starting at the end, but don't worry, I'll go back to the beginning in two shakes of a lambs tail. I haven't written for a while, because I succumb to the post surgery funk. It happened to me after the first surgery and for a moment, a day or two, I thought that I was going to clear that hurtle this time, but I guess it's just a weird part of the healing process. I'm making a point of saying this, because it's extremely confusing, emotionally painful, and it's something that no one that I talked to about surgery brought up that the possibility existed. So I really don't know if this is something that is extremely rare and this is why no one brought it up, or if it's something that passes quickly enough that it's not something that has time to be talked about by patients. I'm sure that the extended years that I spent in chronic pain intensified those feelings. I have no doubt of that, because that was confusing it itself. Which I'll talk more about later.

It happened to me at the point of recovery where I was at home and on my own. I don't think it was avoidable at least for me but I still would have like to have been prepared for it. The second time I tried to get out ahead of it, by making a point of going right to work when I got home, because I knew that was part of it the first time, as I wrote in an earlier post. I needed to get my business plan submitted, if I was going to have any hope of opening my new store this spring. I was supposed to finish it, between the surgeries, but I wasn't able to. It was during those first few days that the bulk of the following was written. And I really thought I had beat it, but it caught me when my hip started to hurt and I got scared that I was sitting up too much and I had to cut the time back. Then the depression hit and the only thing I could do was focus on that business plan. No extra writing, no working on animation, or the Pond Friends script. Business plan. When I finally got the first draft submitted, I slept for two days. Then I started working on the animation logo for the store and now the tide is coming back in and a wave has deposited me back on the beach. (Update: The plan came back and had to be completely reformatted, so this didn't get published when I originally planned, because I had to dive back into the plan.)

I was at least aware of what was happening when the depression came this time, so I knew, like my hip, it would heal. But it is still traumatic none the less. I thought I would make it a point to say this was the most unique thing that I took away from this whole surgery process. The one thing that no one talked to me about prior to my surgery. There is a risk of post surgery depression and it can come on suddenly and passionately. Especially on the second surgery I had regular doses of morphine for the first three days. I don't know anything about morphine, so I don't know if that had anything to do with my crash. I think that most people can work through it on their own. I just stepped up my meditation and brought out my favorite chant, “This too shall pass.”

There's been a paperwork glitch on my physical therapy, I haven't started yet. I started to do things on my own, but without someone monitoring me I was worried I would hurt myself and I was told, on hips, the motto is do no harm. No PT was better than bad PT. My doctor has stepped in to take care of it, so hopefully I'll get started next week. I look forward to simple things, like being able to carry a cup of coffee, without having to find a bag, tie up the lidded cup, and try to carry it without banging it against my cane too much.

So, without further adieu, my story...

Be Careful How You Wish (Or Butter side down week)

After the first hip replacement surgery, when I realized how perfectly my new hip was working, I started wishing that the left hip would go just like the right, only on the opposite side. The opposite side tag line was so I didn't actually wish them into putting a right hip into my left hip. My little wish precaution if you will, embedded in me from all my years of watching Twilight Zone and shows of that nature and the mayhem that would ensue from asking a Leprechaun for a favor.

True to the form of a Twilight Zone episode, For the last 8 days I've felt like I've been living with the mischievous Leprechaun that granted the wish. Before granting me the aforementioned wish he did the usual flourish of explanation that I should consider my wish very carefully, because it would be just as I asked.

I mulled over the many scenarios I'd seen catching the protagonist off guard. I was sure I could be the one to finally beat this shell game with the devil. I came to the conclusion that the downfalls and mishaps endured by the characters, trying to beat the devil, was to make the wish too simple leaving a world mishaps to pile on the unfortunate soul, or and making the wish too complicated trying and cover every angle, but it's always one of the safeguards they've throw in that gets them. So after a lot of thought, I asked my wish in the briefest terms possible without missing any relevant points, to reduced unintended land mines.

I wished that the left hip would go just like the right, only on the opposite side.

Opposite World. Let me start by saying I got the heart of my wish, the part that really mattered, the prize, the thing I really wanted, the exact center of what I was asking for. I wished that my left hip replacement to go just like the right hip only on the opposite side. And that is what I got. The left implant is perfect and I'm thrilled. It's amazing, I'm able to almost completely control the post surgical pain IN MY HIP, with medication, ice packs, and by being careful. I'm already doing short squats, using my walker as a grip to control the movement. It's so wonderful that I feel like I could burst into tears at any moment and probably would if I was alone and didn't have to worry about what someone might think. I wouldn't want someone to misinterpret tears of joy, for pain.

The further away you get from the epicenter of the hip replacement the more wrong things get. That center being the surgery itself and those involved to a level that they would be involved with the surgery in the same way again. All that perfect. Aside from that... Not So Much. Nothing life threatening, or really more than a minor inconvenience, when taken individually. But when you take it all into focus it's like “Really? Really? That's how this is going down?” It started a few nights before the surgery, when I got rear-ended waiting to turn left into the Price Cutter parking lot. We were going shopping for snacks for me to take too the hospital and food for us after the surgery. I sat in the driver's seat trying to convince myself that we hadn't actually had an accident. But there is no denying the sound of crunching metal when two cars kiss. So I pulled into the parking lot and waited for him to do the same. I don't think it could have been a more minor accident. Not so minor that I don't have to get the van fixed, but nothing that really hurt the drivability of the car.

Me getting out of the van.
I felt sorry for the guy, because he had to see me struggle out of the van. By the time I had gotten out he had already asked me if I was alright a few times. I can't imagine what was going to his mind while he watched me go through the twisting, contorting, struggle that is my normal exit from the van.

 As soon as I got down, I said, “I'm all right. Don't worry I was crippled before you hit me.” I didn't know if he'd seen my hop-along plate or not. I got my canes from between the seats and we did to the long walk to the back of the van. It was dark and at first glance I didn't even see anything wrong, but the bumper was bent under right between the support brackets. He had one of those low, wedge shaped, front ends and it had slid in just below the top of the bumper. I had really been hoping it was something that I would be able to live with and it wouldn't require any further thought, but that wasn't the case. It was just bad enough that I was going to need him to get it fixed. I felt bad when I told him, “You won't hear from me for about two weeks, because I'm having hip replacement surgery on Tuesday.” I could tell he was a good guy and that he felt bad about the whole thing.

That was the beginning of a relentless string of Little Annoying Things. I couldn't possibly remember all of them. It was a constant avalanche of things going wrong. Like if I had to use my hands and leaned my canes against something, at least one of them would fall with a loud crack against the floor. Even when, after this had happened several times and I was taking extra care setting them down, I would do something else like knocking the papers off the counter and they would hit the canes and knock them over. Which is a double down, because I don't carry a grabber with me all the time and I have to use my canes like giant chopsticks to pick things up. The only way I have of retrieving something off the floor, without them is to find a sturdy chair, or some other horizontal surface, then do a one handed pushup to get down low enough to grab whatever is out of my reach. When it's a pileup I go for one cane, straighten up, then use that cane to hook the other cane, and go into my chopstick routine to retrieve the rest of the pile.

It was like I had a little prankster following me and darting her little mischievous hands in whenever I let go of something, knocking things on the floor, and spilling my coffee. I also had a continuous stream of unrelated mishaps that included the likes of cats jumping from shelves onto the bed and landing with all four feet pressed into one gravity laden point on my groin. We have 2 cats and 4 - 6 month old kittens. This sort of thing was happening so often that I started keeping a pillow over my groin.

One of the super annoying things that happened revolved around the drug Xaralto. A blood thinner I have to take for 30 days after surgery to help insure I don't get blood clouts. It's a new, super expensive, drug and you have to call before the surgery and get it pre-approved. When I was checking with my pharmacist, I was informed that there was an alternate insurance showing as the primary on my record that didn't pay for the drug and it wouldn't let my insurance through to pay for the drug. After a long round robin of calls I finally reached someone at my insurance company that said she could take care of it, but it would take 24hrs. Which was fine, because my surgery was the next day and I didn't need it until I was discharged from the hospital.

It took me a while to put it together, and understand what was going on, but it was my hospital room that flipped the switch. When I came in for my pre-op blood tests, I requested the same room for my second surgery. For Luck, HA!. It was two weeks before the surgery, and the nurse was confident that I could have the room. I know they tried, because I saw paperwork in the bundle they gave me when I was leaving the hospital, and the right number had been written down. But that room was taken and they had to put me in, wait for it... Yes! The room that was on the exact opposite side of the ward, making the placement of my room backwards.
The mishaps were relentless. At one point, I can't remember what was going on, but it included taking vital signs, questions, moving the surgery hip, and pain. Lots and Lots of pain. Then after everyone had left, and I had time to breath a sigh of relief and relax, I took a tiny sip of water that let a miniscule droplet of water into my esophagus that sent me into a coughing fit that felt like someone had grabbed hold of my surgery leg by the ankle and started jerking it up and down. Or the coffee bath on my last morning in the hospital. I tried to take a sip from a fresh, hot, 16 ounce, cup of steaming coffee, to make room in the cup for milk, so the lid was off... I poured, not spilled, several ounces of scalding coffee onto my chest, with nothing but a hospital gown to protect me. It hurt like a belly flop off the high dive. I made a series of whisper screams, while I blotted at the coffee with my sheet and blanket. Then took the ice pack from my hip and put it on my chest.

Oh and let's not forget the spilled pee across my belly when I was pulling the urinal out from under the covers, because I tilted the urinal and the lid didn't fit tight. The shift in axes caused the liquid race across the length of the urinal. Resulting in a tsunami of pee hitting the lid and opening it. I went through a big pile of wet wipes over that one and no I didn't tell anyone. I had to admit to the coffee, because I had a giant brown Rorschach Test on my chest.

I also had a bed that had a serious butt divot. It was sucking my left hip down at a bad angle and causing me a lot of extra pain and discomfort. I was forever pulling myself out of it, or stuffing blankets under my hip. One of the patient liaisons asked me if I had any suggestions and I told her about the mattress. While I was doing my physical therapy they zinged in a replacement bed which was a big improvement. But in the process, everything got moved out of my reach and I had to immediately call someone in again, so I could get my urinal and pour pee all over myself.

When I woke up from surgery, it was the new high point, in my history of pain. Nothing, not even the first surgery, came close to the pain I was feeling. My mind took a quick inventory: my surgery hip hurt, my tongue hurt, because unlike the first surgery I had bitten it quite hard during surgery, and coming in at number 1, completely unexpected, my left knee was the hot new pain leader on BuzzFeed.

I have been aware of my knee problem, but it was never much of an issue, since I was already using 2 canes, or a walker, to get around, I never put any real weight on my legs. Basically I've been walking like a chimpanzee for the last five years relying on my arms and shoulders to get me around. I have two knee braces. One over the counter brace that is too small, but was the biggest one the store had. It barely fits and I have to constantly put it back on, but it does have some effect for minor pain. Then I have the NASA knee brace that takes NASCAR pit crew to put on and keep adjusted. It works great, but if one adjustment is out of place it causes pain and abrasion sores, where the brace's pressure points.

With my new straight and strong right leg moving easily, my left side got completely blown out with inflammation and after doing physical therapy on the right leg, I ended up having to do three days bed rest to get the pain down to a level that I could get around at all. It never cooled off in my hip, or my knee, before going into the hospital. While you're still under and after the doctor puts your hip in, he moves it all around and while you can't feel it at that moment, you sure as shooting feel it when you wake up.

Come discharge day. We had prescriptions faxed to the pharmacist and there was no trouble with the two cheep drugs. A dollar fifty in copay for two prescriptions. The expensive, anti clotting, drug that could save my life, denied. Back on the phone to travel the country.

I did a round Robin of calls to get it straight, each person telling me to call another person. Then the final number wouldn't ring. I would call it and it would show that it was picked up, but there was no voice there. I called it 3 times. So I went through another three calls to answering machines and then tried it again and somehow this time it rang and a voice greeted me. It turns out that this is not an insurance. It's a VA voucher program for Vets that go outside the VA system for their meds, so the reason the copay is so high is that you're supposed to bring a VA voucher for the meds, but I'm using different insurance for this, but the voucher program is blocking that insurance from working, but as I said, only the super expensive one and the only way of getting past it is to remove my profile. I've never used it, so I imagine that the first need to use it will be an hour after they remove my profile. So she did that. So...

Problem solved! I hang up the phone and immediately knock a fresh soda off the desk. I sat helplessly watching it pour onto the floor, because I didn't have my grabber handy. Fortunately I drink flavored seltzer water so at least it was just water and not corn syrup goo.

Feb 6 2015

So that didn't work. The end result, the reason my prescription wouldn't go through was not because of the voucher program, it was because my insurance, would only authorize the super expensive new drug, once every six months. So my quick thinking pharmacist at Poynor Drug ordered the higher dosage pills and it went through, because that's not the same prescription, and then she cut them all in half for me. Lesson: Always use local pharmacist. If you're getting your meds with insurance, you're not saving money by going to giant corporate pharmacies, but you are giving up personal service and a neighbors job. I'm going to be very sad when Jim decides to retire. I would really hate to see those lights go out. I hope that someone will step up and fill his shoes, and continue Poynor Drug Store's tradition of service to this community.

Now that I'm allowed to take my anti inflammatory pills again, the pain in my knee has finally receded and is not throbbing for the first time in a month. My hips are pain free, I don't even feel them, it's like they're not there and I am... Stunned. I don't really know how to describe the feeling. It's like all those years of pain never existed, like it was just a horrible nightmare. Because after being in pain for so long, no other world seems possible. Now the challenge will be for me to keep it reined in and give my bones times to heal solid, so I'm going to wait until next week to go windsurfing.

Feb 8, 2015

I was able to sleep through the night without taking a round of my post surgery pain pills. I should have taken a set at 1 AM, but I skipped it and made it to 7 in the morning. I'm sore a hell and I had to take them right away, but the pain didn't wake me up in the middle of the night. That is really significant, because up until now I've been drumming my fingers, in serious pain, during the last 30 minutes of waiting for my pills. I couldn't even consider skipping a round. Normally I would have been hyper awake, biting my lip bloody, after going that long. My regular anti inflammatory pills have started to get everything calmed down and for the first time since the surgery, my knee is no longer driving my medication needs.

I can't even come close to walking yet. Though I try to make sure and lift my feet when I'm walking with the canes which is a big improvement over shuffling along at a pace, so slow, that it annoys other cripples. When I'm going up stairs, I can lift my foot, toes pointed straight onto the next stair tread. Before I had to bend my left knee, so I could get my left toes sideways onto the next tread, then I would slide it over a little and using my toes, canes, and the rail, I would lift myself up and drag my right foot up over the stair. So even if I didn't get any better than this my life is so much more comfortable that I'm dizzy half the time thinking about it. I look forward to starting physical therapy. It's been almost 6 years since I could walk, so it's going to take some time, but I believe I will walk again some day. And if you had asked me before the surgery, if I really, really, Really, believed it would be possible that I could walk, I would have said no.

Thank you to all my wonderful friends and family for all the shoulder support through this whole process. It has been quite the journey, though me thinks it just beginning.



Monday, February 2, 2015

1st Recovery: The Days Between the Hip Surgeries



Something about the surgery process that really took me by surprise, was depression. I did not expect to feel depressed after the surgery and indeed for the first few days I was deliriously happy. I thought I would just have waves and waves of energy and be diligently working away at my laptop, but all I want to do is sleep. 

Life is about about killing some time, so I can go back to sleep. Most of what I want to do is outside of my capabilities right now. Like going over to the kitchen to work on my candy recipes and working on the remodel for the new store. The things I can do I just can't muster the slightest resolve to do. Like looking up products on line and setting up my inventory. But all I want to do kill some time until I can just crawl back into bed and sleep.

I am ordering a counter top cooker, to work on my candy recipes. I'm really close on the Pralines. The last batch I made, before I went in the hospital, we're really close. I could taste what I've been looking from the Pralines and with a little tweaking, I'll have that flavor I've been looking for. I haven't been able to make a batch since that one. It's frustrating. I'm almost there. I feel like if I can just get a week in the kitchen, I'll be able to get it perfect. So I think I'll be much happier when I'm back to work on that. I have several variations that I'm excited about, but they all hinge on the mother recipe.

In one way I'm a little more restricted right now than I was before the surgery. Aside taking a risk so great, that might actually break my hip, I didn't worry about damaging my hip any further, because they were already going to cut it out either way. Now it's a whole different story. One with knights, dragons, and plain old guys who can walk again, after not being able to for years eternal. Have I mentioned that I'm also emotional?

Dec 28 2014

I'm really excited about the results of the first surgery. When I do PT, it's the left hip, the one I still have to get surgery on, that's holding me back. My right toes are pointed forward for the first time in I don't know how long. I like to watch my right leg move when I'm walking with the walker. So I'm really looking forward to getting the other hip done.

Dec 31 2014

I got my staples out today and saw an x-ray of my hip. There's a big long screw going up through my pelvis holding in a new socket and a metal rod in my femur supporting my new ceramic femoral head. It was a very other-worldly feeling looking at the x-ray. Every thing checked out fine. I didn't have my phone in the x-ray room, so I didn't get a picture.

My scar looks good. I had a nurse in the hospital say he'd seen them twice as long. It was the first time I'd been out of the house since I got home from the hospital and that in itself was strange, sort of like being on an alien planet. Like earth, but not quite. I've got the okay to start driving, so we're going to go out and do some grocery shopping.

January 7th 2015

Recovery from hip surgery continues to go as well as possible. For the last ten years my pain has only increased and my right hip was especially painful, because of all the bone fragments, and spurs, around the femoral head. The surgery went into overtime, because some of the bone fragments had stabbed into both the ball and socket of the joint, nailing my hip to my pelvis. Usually they can pull the femoral head out, but he had to chisel it out. Then go in and clean out all the bone fragments before he could put the new hip joint in.

The speed at which I have recovered from this tremendously invasive surgery has been amazing. I am thrilled and excited to get the second surgery behind me. I don't look forward to the day of surgery and the week to follow, but day 8, yes I can't wait to reach sweet day 8 after my second surgery.

Because of my left hip, I've reached a ceiling with my current physical therapy. It's still welded in place and extremely painful. So I can't make any serious attempt at walking. I tried taking a step. I could hear my brain saying the command, but the legs couldn't respond. It wasn't possible without both of my canes. I'm going to strengthen my right hip as much as I can, but the real healing begins once that left hip is replaced.

January 8, 2015

It continues to be bitter cold outside. I got my hair cut today and it made me feel ready to work. Nothing like a good hair cut to make you feel fresh. Through circumstance my hair had gotten pretty long and with all the static electricity of winter it was driving me crazy sticking to my face, and matting against my head, while at the same time sending stray hairs out like I was hooked up to a Tesla Coil.

I'm still sort of lost in a cloud of limbo. It all doesn't seem real and aside from the pain being gone, which is no small potato. My ability to get around has not changed greatly, because the left hip holds me back. I can feel the difference in a lot of ways like going up the stairs, I now lead with my right foot. My leg lifts straight up to the next stair. Amazing... Then drag my left leg up. Before my right leg would not function as a stair leg. I would twist my body and bend my knee to get my left toes up on the tread then I would lift myself up pushing with my toes and using the banister and my canes for lift. Holding both canes in one hand, spread apart gives me a rolling surface of contact points as I lift myself up.

One major change from the first couple of weeks is that I have started being able to do things again. I've been working on a new character for Arkansas Pond Friends and it's so complicated that a thousand things can go wrong. The character is a stork, search for a video of a stork folding his wings. It's not a simple flap to the side. That wing folds every which way. (This is the point, in the explanation, that most people's eyes gloss over. I start to babble with animation lingo that, if you don't want to learn animation you don't need to know, so you may want to stop reading at this point and go to the next paragraph.)Every feather has to have a bone to control it and they have to all work together, with all the weight maps, which each tell its feather or body part how to react to a bone's movement and the movement of all the bones surround it. It has to be perfect. Right now I have five feather bones that have somehow locked into other parts of the body in ways they are not supposed to and I have to chase down the reason, or re-plot their maps, which is extremely tedious, but you reach a point where it becomes faster.

This is all work I could have been doing, these last several days, instead of zoning out to videos, but I just couldn't bring myself to to wheel over there and turn on the animation computer. I could have spent hours working on it, without worrying that I should be doing something else, because all I was supposed to be doing was healing and that was a perfect healing activity. But no matter how hard I tried to will myself to do it, I just laid in bed watching videos on the laptop, like a Matrix pod. There were some terrifying moments that I ventured to think that my creativity was some how attached to that right hip bone, or the mess that it had become.

Now I am back on line, working on my stork, and feeling good about it. While I haven't got it off the ground yet, I have come over some high hurtles and I'm confident I'll be able to get my bird flying and me walking and that's a lot to feel good about.


Last night I had a dream that I had gotten through my second surgery and I was going all around town showing all my friends, that only know me as being crippled, that I could walk. It felt like I was flying. Then when I woke up and as with other dreams where I have been able to walk, I believed for a moment that I could walk. Then I realized it was just a dream and I was momentarily crestfallen. But I did not fall into my usual despair, because for the first time since I started having dreams about being able to walk, I knew it was a dream that could come true and soon. 
That morning, when I was alone in the hallway, I picked up my canes and willed my self to walk and I took three steps with each leg. Then I went in the living room and showed Sandra I could take three steps, something I haven't been able to do in years. With no pain in my new right hip, I could take everything my left hip had to dish out and I knew that if the left was like the right I would be able to walk. I know from the weakness in my legs that it won't be far to start, but I know that now instead of getting worse every day, as it's been for the last ten years, I will be getting better every day and that's a future I can happily look forward to. New Left hip coming in two weeks and three days.
Thank you very much to all of you that have been so supportive, it really has helped me push through.
Please share, because I haven't been posting much with all that's been going on, and facebook doesn't put you out much when you don't play.
Finally here's a video about how my new hip feels. 
I'm still learning how to do the blog and embedding videos from YouTube is a pain and they don't allow a full size load here, so if you would like to see this video full size, follow this link.


Because my new right leg is marching straight and true, I have pushed my left leg too hard. It put me in bed for three days and has not gotten better. The change in the position of my left hip has put the whole socket in fresh groves. I always knew when there was a shift to some new bone in my hip. It would start with stabbing pain and for several days it would be especially bad until the nerves were killed, or the bone built up some callous. This time it's the whole hip. It's all fresh bone and it's so lit up any movement at all sends shock-waves down my leg. My leg feels like a bladder of Jello and nerves, held up with a stocking and the pain just rolls up and down the leg like you were jamming the heal, of the jello stocking, against the floor.

There has been no relief, it's like my left hips last hurrah. I guess it's nature's way of encouraging me to have my surgery.


Last day at home. Going to the hospital tonight. Feeling jittery.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Movie Recommendation - JD's Revenge

There are a lot of reasons why a Black actor, in a 1976 Blaxploitation horror film, would not get nominated for an Oscar, but if such a thing were possible, Glynn Turman would have gotten the Oscar for his portrayal of Isaac, a man possessed by a long dead mobster, out for revenge. The story and production values of this film are excellent. I'm sure way over, in quality, compared to whatever budget this film got, but the unforgettable thing is Glynn Turman's acting. Without any special effects he changes, right before you eyes, into an entirely different man. His face seems to take on a new bone structure and his change in persona is epic.

It is absolutely intriguing to see the transformation as Turman goes from a college student working his way through college as taxi driver, to J.D Walker, a slick hustler, from the 40s, who was killed after witnessing his sister's murder. As Isaac is taken over by JD he also inherits his mannerisms, hair style, and psychopathic behavior. JD sets out for maniacal revenge against the still living murders of his sister.

One of the reasons that I really enjoy a film like this, is that it's a time capsule that shows where a brother stood in the world of 1976. It gives me insight in a world outside my own. You get a chance to see how things have changed and how they've stayed the same, because one thing films do is reflect the real times they're made in. It's like, you can look at some Sci Fi films and know they're from the 80s, because the wardrobe people just took the clothes, kids and rock stars were wearing at the time, right off the rack. Then sewed some extra braiding on for the officers uniforms and spikes on the bad guy uniforms. It was an easy time for budget cinema sci fi. 

This film hits on all cylinders. If you are a fan of excellent cinema, you owe it to yourself to watch this flick.
The film deals with harsh themes and violence so I would not say it was appropriate for younger viewers. Picked up at the Berryville Public Library 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How I felt after the First Surgery

6 Days to go for the second surgery!

My first surgery went really well. I forgot my phone when I had my x-ray, so I didn't get a picture, but it looks something like this. When I do get a picture I'll swap it out.

Not My hip. Mine only had one screw, also I believe this is a woman.
My right leg is doing so well that my left leg is screaming like a detainee in GITMO. I had to stop my PT, because what the right one was doing was killing the left one. I'm going in Monday night for the second surgery (Tues morning). I'm still going to have the left knee to deal with, but the drop in pain from having my right hip done is amazing and I'm hoping that some of the pain in the knee is actually radiating down from the hip, because it sure feels that way.

I've got a great surgeon and don't think I could do better anywhere. Recovery was textbook, couldn't have gone any quicker. The worst part is the first three days, it hurt bad, the second that ice pack would melt or I hit the end of my meds, it was glory hallelujah! That smarts. I wished they'd just knock me out, but it does get better every day.

When I first woke up, It was a tie for the worst pain I had ever felt. Nothing, but nothing, is going to beat pushing out that baby. Kidding, kidding, I kid. I got hurt diving and I had to get my shoulder rebuilt. When I came out of surgery, the pain was so bad I couldn't focus my eyes. But that pain, was a much smaller area and shorter duration than the hip. So I'm not looking forward to waking up, on Tuesday, after the surgery, but on the other hand, I really can't wait to wake up, on Tuesday, after the surgery.

They told me my pain would be down by half the next day and it was really true. I didn't believe them. I thought they were lying to me like I was a child. The second day was like the second worse pain I ever felt, but it was honestly half of what it had been the day before. By Thursday, the pain cut in half again and as long as I had an icepack on the wound and kept up on the meds, it was fine. I was incapacitated for about a week, then I got steadily more mobile, until I pushed to far and then my left leg put me on my back, I was in bed for three days and I'm still having a lot of trouble getting around. I have to stop taking my anti-inflammatory 10 days before the surgery and I really needed it. Without that, once my hip gets really inflamed, several days of bed rest is the only thing that helps.

They could have taken the 28 staples out at ten days, but I didn't get around to it until two weeks. The nurse that took them out, said they were really tugging because the wound was completely closed, so my incision healed perfectly. I was driving after that. The nurse who took off my first bandage (They leave it on for two days.) Told me, he had seen incisions twice as long as mine.

Every one at the hospital just worships young Dr. Young. Kidding, his name is really Sadani. The guy could play a doctor on TV though. Very professional, at the top of his game. At one point, he said, the severe cases like mine were surgeries he really liked doing. That gave me a high degree of confidence, because it told me this man really enjoyed his work. I was definitely pushing the boundaries. Usually he just pulls the femoral head (ball at the end of your femur) out of the socket. He had to chisel mine out. The bone shards had dug into the ball and the socket, welding my hip together. So every time I took a step, those bone points were digging deeper into the surrounding bone. It is stunning to me that I don't have pain in that hip anymore.

This all makes me feel confident about the second surgery. Everyone at the hospital was really nice. The room is large and I can take my laptop with me and watch Netflix, because post surgery all I want to do is veg. The less I move the better. I was bummed when they took the catheter out. Then I had to deal with that up spout urinal, with legs that wouldn't separate. It was so much trouble that I really had to cut back on the beer I brought with me. Kidding, I kid, I'm a kidder.

Here's to one on the left like the one on the right! I'll post from the hospital next week.

Posts From the Hospital

December 15, 2015

I'm in the hospital. They let you check in the night before which was great, because my surgery is a 7 and getting here in the morning would have been a nightmare. Everyone is really nice and I have great confidence in my doctor and the staff here. I can't believe this is really happening. It's been so long since I've been able to walk. I'll need to get the left hip done before I can actually walk, but this is one step closer. So weird that when I leave here I'll have a new hip and a big bone to make soup with. I'll post after I get back to the room. Thank you for all the support and kind words. Please share this so I can keep everyone up to date.

December 16, 2015

It's alive. It's alive! The doctor said he took the biggest bone shard he'd ever seen out of my hip. So I'm setting records here. Thank you for all the kind thoughts.


December 16, 2015

Well I stood up and walked 5 feet with the help of two people holding me up and a walker. It only took me about 15 minutes! So I'm getting faster already! 


December 17, 2015

This is my breathing exerciser it measures the volume of my breath. I have to take 10 deep breaths an hour through it to prevent pneumonia. It is harder than it sounds because it's got a float gauge that you have to pull up and keep between the lines, then you have to draw the piston up to your goal mark which is kind of hard to do hunched over in a bed, but it opens up those little sacks in your lung and keep fluid from building up in you lungs. 

I walked, with a walker and great concentration 300 feet this morning. I only had to do 200 to get out of here by tomorrow. So Now I've just got to get up and down some stairs by tomorrow and I can go home tomorrow night. The pain has reduced significantly from yesterday. They told me it would, but I was in so much pain yesterday that I didn't believe one day could make that much difference, but it did. I'm still in a lot of pain, but compared to yesterday it's a whole different world. Just getting out of bed and going 2 feet to a chair and sitting down yesterday turned me into a girly man. I was screaming through most of the process. Today only grunts and chewed lips. The fact that I've been completely supporting my weight for years with canes and walkers has given me a leg up for rehab, because I don't have any trouble holding myself up. Thank you, to everyone, for the kind and supporting comments they have really kept my spirits up. I'm going to invite everyone over for some very special soup when I get home. ;o)

December 18, 2015

I just had my first shower since Tuesday morning which felt really great except I was feeling queasy from doing my PT and climbing the stairs. Fortunately there was a toilet with hand rails right outside the shower, because I threw up like a college freshman in pledge week, the minute I stepped out of the shower. Now that I've done stairs and made potty, I'm officially cut loose day early. Sandra is on here way to get me and I even saved her my cake from lunch which I'm especially happy about at this point ;o) Now I've got three weeks in home PT 3 times a week. Though I'll be doing the exercises every day. 

A big thank you to everyone that encouraged me along the way it has been an emotional journey and there is still quite a ways to go. Now I just have to do it all over again in six weeks. If I wave to you from the window of the hotel and don't invite you in, please don't be offended. We have an inside cat, that would mean my death if I let out, and I'm not moving fast enough to keep her in, if I open the door. ;o) Please share this so everyone gets the word, Mama, I'm heading home. I'm finally getting what I wanted for Christmas for the last six years. Yeah!!!!!!!!!! Peace and love to all.

After I got home

December 24, 2015

Hello from recovery hall. I'm still doing well, just a lot more tired than I thought I'd be. I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS! I got what I wanted, to start my hip replacements. And Sandra said she got what she wanted, I didn't die. She said she would kill me, if I died. A threat I took very seriously and so I made sure to live.


Last night I had a dream that I had gotten through my second surgery and I was going all around town showing all my friends, that only know me as being crippled, that I could walk. It felt like I was flying. Then when I woke up and as with other dreams where I have been able to walk, I believed for a moment that I could walk. Then I realized it was just a dream and I was momentarily crestfallen. But I did not fall into my usual despair, because for the first time since I started having dreams about being able to walk, I knew it was a dream that could come true and soon. 

That morning, when I was alone in the hallway, I picked up my canes and willed my self to walk and I took three steps with each leg. Then I went in the living room and showed Sandra I could take three steps, something I haven't been able to do in years. With no pain in my new right hip, I could take everything my left hip had to dish out and I knew if the left was like the right I would be able to walk. I know from the weakness in my legs that it won't be far to start, but I know that now instead of getting worse every day, as it's been for the last ten years, I will be getting better every day and that's a future I can happily look forward to. New Left hip coming in two weeks and three days.
Thank you very much to all of you that have been so supportive, it really has helped me push through.
Please share, because I haven't been posting much with all that's been going on, and facebook doesn't put you out much when you don't play.

Finally here's a video about how my new hip feels.

I'm still learning how to do the blog and embedding videos from YouTube is a pain and they don't allow a full size load here, so if you would like to see this video full size, follow this link.





Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Hip Replacements - How I felt before the first surgery.

It's been over 5 years since I lost the ability to walk. I've had to use two canes, crutches, or a walker to walk beyond a few baby steps for so long that I now equate the act of walking with flying. When I watch movies I don't wow at the explosive kung fu action, I'm watching in amazement that people are walking without canes. How do they keep from tipping over? I especially watch people who are obviously much older than me and that really makes me ooo and ahhh.

If I have an errand to run, forgetting something critical, once I've navigated my way into the seat of the van is devastating. Something that could almost make me break down. It is so hard and painful to do this simple thing, the thought of getting out of the van, going back up the stairs, into the building, and starting all over again is like pulling your homemade lasagne out of the oven, burning your fingers and dropping the whole roll on your bare foot, hard enough to shatter the Pyrex baking pan.

Every Christmas, for the past several years, I've joked that I was Tiny Tim, not the folk lore singer of Laugh-In fame, but the little crippled kid in the Christmas Carol. “All I want for Christmas in to be able to walk.” It has been very frustrating knowing I could be fixed but not able to do anything about it. To be grinding my bones together day in and out, because I didn't want to give up on my passion with the restaurant. I knew it would take an incredible amount of money to reopen after a long closing and that was something I didn't have. Closing meant, CLOSING. But once I got down to only being able to open three and a half days a week and I was in worse pain than ever, basically at work or in bed, it was time to call it a day.

I was so frustrated with my life back in 2011 that I felt compelled to make the whitest rap video in history.

This is the highest resolution I can upload here. You can watch it full size on my Youtube channel: My52Pickup

Every time I think about the upcoming surgery, It's like I was hit in the head with a baseball bat, dead center on the forehead. But it doesn't cause the pain, only the disorientation that goes along with someone smacking you with all their might. For so long, it's been something that was in the distant unknown future in a Galaxy far, fat, away. I had started to believe it would never happen.

I tried talking to some of my friends about the surgery, but can't. Any time I broach the subject, a story, instantly pops up, about someone's centennial grandmother. Who, after having surgery, got up, drove home, stopped at the store on the way to pick up T-bones for dinner. Then at home picked the vegetables from her organic garden to complete the meal, but not before weeding all the outside rows and edges. Then the next morning after she finished teaching her Taekwondo class, to 30 eighth graders with ADHD, she went for a 15 mile march, through the woods, over rough terrain, with a backpack loaded with a camp stove and all the fixings, to make her grand mother's dinner. Because her mother's getting to old to cook her own lost children and she needs a little help.

I know people mean well and are trying to reassure me. But it puts a lot of pressure on me to, as the Russian's saying goes, “Don't be a wimp.” Well they actually they say pussy, but I'm too much of a wimp to say that.

My point is that this is a wildly transitional event in my life that will effect me like no other single event ever has other than being born in the first place. I tell myself I'll be able to walk, but there's a part of me that doesn't believe it, so I won't be completely crushed if it doesn't happen. I'm meditating a lot, trying to keep my head clear, trying not to freak, and taking life as it comes. It's so unknown, I feel like I'm stepping off into space.  


Monday, January 26, 2015

Recomended Movie: Compañeros (original release title: Vamos a matar, compañeros)

Lovers of Spaghetti Westerns Rejoice! If you have not seen Companeros recently, or not at all, check out this film. Franco Nero and Tomas Milian play off each other perfectly and who can resist a one armed Jack Palance. One armed because his companion hawk freed him from crucifixion, by eating his arm off. Jack Palance is a totally whacked oil company enforcer. Who uses every evil torture, including a big fat starving rat in a basket. This movie has scenes that will blow your mind and make your jaw drop.

Spaghetti Westerns, Godzilla, and Kung Fu movies were the only reason I knew there we're any foreign films when I was growing up in a world film with 3 and a ½ TV Stations: The networks and PBS on the UHF if you got the foil wrapped, just right, on that thick wire loop screwed in to the back of the TV, just below the rabbit ears brown flat wire.

So in Junior high school, when my father was transferred to Sasebo, Japan, a whole world of cinema opened up to me.  Without American TV to fill my life, I spent most of my time just wandering around Sasebo. Sometimes with some Temp friends, (When you moved as much as we did, you understand after 2 years you're never going to see the people you're hanging out with again). Other times I'd wander alone because I liked to study things and that just made me even weirder to the other military brats, so I spent a good deal of time by myself.

The crime rate was basically nonexistent, so even though I was only 12, I had free rein in the town. I took cabs, rode my bike all around town, or walked for miles exploring the city. I spent a lot of afternoons in Japanese Movie Houses. Instead of multiple screens, these theaters played different movies in a single large theater. It was possible to go into the theater at 10 o'clock in the morning and not get out until 7 or 8 at night, without seeing the same movie twice. When Enter the Dragon, with Bruce Lee, came out it was only a double feature and I sat and watched it 3 times. I can't even remember what the other movie was, even though I watched it twice, But, Enter the Dragon, I still check out that movie every year, or so. We returned to the States in the summer of 74 and it wasn't until I got old enough to drive and find an art-house theater that I was able to see foreign films with any frequency again and when VHS came down the pipe I really started exploring the world through film.

I especially like to watch good lower budget foreign films that are shot on location. The backgrounds are real and there's a lot of gabbing a handy person who actually does, whatever it is you want to get on the screen, from bull fighting, to cooking in an authentic way, or just sitting on a bench feeding pigeons. If the film is historical you get to see history from their perspective. So you get to see some reality of the country that the film came from. How they see the past. A good example of this is Marketa Lazarov̀a a 1969 Czech master piece about a feud between two rival medieval clans. It is a gritty, believable, look at medieval life in somewhere other than Britain, France, or Venice. I'll be recommending that film next.

"Companeros" poster by Source. Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia -

011115 – Political Rant - Turning the USA into North Korea

People like the Koch Brothers look at North Korea and they see what they would like to do with this country. Got too many poor people, let them starve a million at a time, serving as slave laborers, until enough drop dead that the scraps from the tables of those who think of themselves as gods, can keep the peasants alive. Got too many people that need medical care. Let them die alone in their beds, or state run nursing homes rather than waste expensive capitalist medicine on them. 

The Darkness I see in the eyes, of the cartoonishly evil presence of Dick Chaney, sends shafts of ice through my heart that chill with me with fear of the insanity and power this man can wield. You know he would not so much as blink at killing you, if you were even slightly in his way, and not just because he never ever blinks. 

The leering smile of the Koch Brothers, who eyes laugh at the pain and suffering of others, makes me wonder if there's any hope, because the Beast certainly has the reins of absolute power. You can sense their total lack of compassion, or moral compass. They would squash you like a bug, just to see what sort of pattern you'd make on the cement. They don't care if ten thousand people die, or live horribly with disease, and millions of acres and gallons of water are ruined forever, as long as they can squeeze out one more shiny gold coin to add to their stack, so they can feel, one troy ounce more superior to you, than they already do. And they'll never stop, because no amount of wealth can fill the black hole where their souls should reside. When I see their lecherous faces and cold eyes, and hear their hyper capitalist rhetoric, I have not trouble believing that pure evil exists.

Those who support the agendas of these types are at best unwitting accomplices, to the destruction of this planet and of turning life into hell on earth. Or worse, supporting them, knowing the consequences, but caring only for personal gain that comes with it. Hell already exists in many places and on every habitable continent. These power mad vampires want to enslave humanity completely and cut off any upward mobility in life and if possible drink every drop of life the world has to give.

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
Charles Baudelaire